
Kungkarangkalpa: Seven Sisters Songline



What is a Songline?

An Australian songline is a Aboriginal voice map of country. The song follows the footsteps of the ancestors of the Tjukurpa Dreaming. Wherever their feet trod they created waterholes, hills, trees, bush foods, wind and rain.

Painting of Seven Sisters Songline by Josephine Mick, Pipalyatjara, 1994
Seven Sisters Songline by Josephine Mick, Pipalyatjara, 1994

The country is alive with songlines criss-crossing the vast deserts and green coastlands of this country. It has been sung into being in the beginning and continues to be sung today.

Songlines are cultural webs of memory, intricate maps in the mind of country. The songlines like web-links carry spiritual, ecological, economic and cultural knowledge between peoples across Australia.

Aboriginal Art Centres

Download the Songlines Art Centres map [1.8 MB PDF]
Map of Aboriginal art centres in the Western Desert region

Art Centre Websites